The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Briar Hill Primary School

Briar Hill is a warm and happy school with well-being at the heart. All children are challenged, nurtured and inspired to achieve highly and make a positive contribution to society.

Remote Learning 

briar hill remote learning provision.pdf

Before and After Lockdown - Archived

At Briar Hill Primary School, the welfare and well-being of our pupils is central as always, and as a school we are here for you all, please do let us know if you need anything. We care for our community and you all matter to us. We look forward to welcoming nearly all the children back at Briar Hill Primary School on the 8th March 2021 and have created some welcome back videos here - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

If not, due to self-isolation, shielding or quarantine, we at Briar Hill have an excellent remote learning offer for your child to support them progress in their learning; it mirrors the curriculum on offer in school and this continues and has been in place for those having to self-isolate throughout 2020-2021. 

First, here are some examples of activities and work completed in the March 2020 Lockdown - please click here for more evidence and assemblies including: March 2020 Lockdown videos here,


Our New Whole School Remote Timetable - Summer 1 is available underneath. 

whole school remote learning timetable summer 1.pdf

Our New Whole School Remote Timetable - Spring 2 is available underneath. 

whole school remote learning timetable.pdf

Isolation and Remote Learning 

As well as Microsoft TEAM live lessons, home learning booklets, videos, voice over presentations and lesson introductions can be found on Google Classroom, this is our primary platform for remote learning as it has tailored sessions for your child created by their teachers to help make their learning experience at home similar to that at school with inclusive, supportive instructions and an opportunity to feedback once the work has been submitted.

08.03.21 - 12.03.21 - Pictures of Home Learning

15.03.21 - 19.03.21 - Pictures of Home Learning

22.03.21 - 26.03.21 - Pictures of Home Learning


Year 6 and Morpurgo Self-Isolation 22.03.2021 - 26.03.2021 examples

wednesday 24 03 21.pdf

doc3 flashback year 6 isolation 22.pdf


Here is an example of the work completed during self-isolation during 2020-2021.

flashback maths y6 example.pdf

flashback eal selected chn y6.pdf