The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Briar Hill Primary School

Briar Hill is a warm and happy school with well-being at the heart. All children are challenged, nurtured and inspired to achieve highly and make a positive contribution to society.

Remote Learning - Reception - 


Dear Parents/Carers, 

Like the previous lock-down, they will contact you to check that everything is going well and to see if there is anything else we can do to help. Furthermore, they will be also be available through Tapestry marking the children's work and answering questions and Class Dojo.

Our learning at Briar Hill Primary School for Reception has now switched to Tapestry as the online platform. We are also using Microsoft TEAMS to deliver Live lessons. Our Remote LIVE Lessons Microsoft TEAMS Timetable is available in the Remote Learning Provision section. The provision at school mirrors the online offer. 

As well as Microsoft TEAM live lessons, videos, voice over presentations and lesson introductions can be found on Tapestry. This is our primary platform for remote learning as allows teachers (us) to provide tailored sessions for your child created to help make their learning experience at home similar to that at school with inclusive, supportive instructions and an opportunity to feedback once the work has been submitted. 

If children are self-isolating, they MUST still complete work daily following the timetable of their class and return ALL work through Tapestry, so that the teacher can give summary feedback about areas for improvement. 

If the year group bubble has to close, children MUST move to remote learning and continue to follow the timetable.

Below is our remote learning timetable prevision which follows our blended learning of both Microsoft Teams LIVE Lessons, recorded sessions and video instructions which reflects what is going on in school.

Remote Learning Timetable - Reception

reception remote and in school learning timetable updated.pdf

Please remember you know your child best and can plan when it is the most effective time to sit down and watch the video on Tapestry and complete the tasks.  But there is an expectation that 2 activities will be completed each day and posted on Tapestry if your child is at home.

In addition to the tasks we post, remember all the things you do are key learning opportunities at home and a little focus each day makes a massive difference.

Here’s some ideas:

Can your child dress and undress independently? If yes can they do it by a count of 10 or do up zips and shoes?
Can your child help make lunch or dinner? And help lay the table?
Can they put their toys/clothes away independently?
Can they help sort the washing into family members and pair up the socks?
Can they draw or colour a picture for a family member and send it in the post? To cheer them up?
Can they help you dust or hoover their home? Building their body strength?
Everything you do in your day to day life is a learning opportunity for your child.  It would be great to see these added to Tapestry also, so we can see the progress they are making and the fun you are having.

On tapestry each week will be posting a video to share with you what we will be covering over the week. 

Pupil Voice - Reception

A.N - 'I have really enjoyed the videos and stories told over tapestry, especially those that have maths in' 

Reception - Recovery Curriculum 

reception briar hill curriculum overview n y6 recovery.pdf

 Reception - Remote Learning Examples

Here are some examples of pieces of work that are available to the children each day along with videos to help and support them in preparation for Key Stage 1. 

Helpful links for Early Years


Oxford Owl – Lots of lovely books online. Each class has a log in so speak to the class teacher for access. 
Book Trust - Some lovely stories and games to enjoy online. 
RWI videos can be found on YouTube


Story time on the BBC
Word Waves - watch the wave while you listen to a story. Key words from the story appear alongside the animated wave to reinforce listening. 
Oak Academy - ideas for mapping a story, telling a story independently and using actions to mime a story


Cbeebies- Join in with Little Learners and explore all of these fun and free maths games, activities and clips.
Nrich activities for EYFS 


Spring 1 - Dinosaurs topic - matching the curriculum at school and online. 


BBC Bitesize - Feeling Better 
PSHE for Reception from The School Run 
Arts and Crafts 


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