The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Briar Hill Primary School

Briar Hill is a warm and happy school with well-being at the heart. All children are challenged, nurtured and inspired to achieve highly and make a positive contribution to society.

Parent Information

You are your child’s first teacher and the work that you do is invaluable.

Communication is the key to a successful partnership with Briar Hill Primary School.

We hope this section of the website will include all the information that you require. If there is anything that is not on the website that you would like then please let the school reception know. We always welcome your views and feedback.

All staff are pleased to share their thoughts about the way the children are developing with parents and carers.

We fully encourage parents to take part in everyday school life, wherever possible, as this support and involvement enhances the learning process. If you would like more information, please speak to your child’s class teacher or contact the school office.

We keep parents and carers informed on a regular basis through Class Dojo and My Child At School (MCAS), Twitter and daily conversations at the beginning or end of the day. If you wish to arrange a meeting with a class teacher, please speak to them or arrange via our school office.

We inform you about how well your child is doing at school through 3 termly reports. Also, we have alternate parent evenings which is a key opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and future targets.

Home-School Agreement

We provide all parents with a copy of the Home-School Agreement, and we hope they will endorse its contents by signing a copy and returning it to school.

This also reflects our school values.

  • Aspiration - Always aiming high
  • Ambition - Being the best we can
  • Courage - Nothing holds us back
  • Respect - Always leading by example


Our approach to homework is based upon a positive partnership between home and school, enabling the child to make links between learning at home and at school.

Our school’s homework is designed to allow the children's curiosity, towards their learning, to thrive. It offers a range of activities linked to the curriculum and allows the children to build their understanding and skills in a range of curriculum areas.

The tasks are linked to recent learning in school to both consolidate and extend the children’s learning, while there are some additional activities which should build increasing interest and give the children opportunities to discover or show interests.

All parents and carers have access to a range of resources to support with the consolidation of basic skills reading, writing and maths skills at home. These are available via a PDF document which is accessible on our school website, just got to the ‘Classes’ page and select your child’s year group.  This document includes phonics sounds, number bonds, multiplication tables, high frequency words spelling check and handwriting.  

View Homework and Curriculum Newsletters

Reading, Writing and Mathematics at Home

Reading at Home 

Reading at Home - Briar Hill Primary School

At Briar Hill Primary School, we expect all children to read at home five times per week for 20 minutes. Reading is promoted in a number of ways, including reading for pleasure sessions, class novel time and the DRET Reads reading for pleasure challenge.

Readings books are sent out on Fridays and are to be returned on Thursdays. We expect that all home reading is recorded within your child's reading log, this allows us to monitor reading at home and also helps to decide which class wins our weekly reading competition 'Reading Rocks'.

As part of our drive to promote reading at home, children who have read five times per week and have it signed and recorded in their reading records will get to choose an activity afternoon on the last day of each term as a reward.

In EYFS, children receive a ‘sound on the sleeve’ each day to inform parents of the sound that they have learnt that day. Additionally, in both EYFS and KS1, daily sound videos and RWI phonics support is uploaded each day to support parents. 

A focus at Briar Hill Primary School is developing further that Love for Reading by offering Reading for Pleasure in our 'Ready to Return' curriculum timetables alongside RWI phonics, Talk 4 Reading and Class Novel.  

For more help on reading with your child, please visit the websites or view our created guidance. Statutory Spelling Grids are also available below.

Top Tips to support Reading at Home

Storytime - KS1

Storytime - KS2

Sharing the Love of Reading 3-5 Years

Sharing the Love of Reading 5-7 Years

Sharing the Love of Reading 7-9 Years

Sharing the Love of Reading 9-11 Years


Mathematics at Home - Briar Hill Primary School

We encourage parents of children across all ages of the school to practise times-tables regularly, for the last 4 years, we have signed up to Times Tables Rockstars which each child has their own individual login.

We also have a range of resources that can help and support children at home in which some can be accessed here while other examples such as Effective Maths Quizzes and Worksheets (tailored to suit the needs of the children) can be requested by speaking to the class teacher.

For more help on mathematics please speak to your class teacher or visit:

Maths Quiz - This is a great website which consolidates learning within school. Questions are like the tasks in school and the layout is the same. Children are given immediate feedback and can-do quizzes from different year groups.  

Top Marks - Number bonds, Doubles and Halves, Square Numbers, Times tables and division facts

NCETM - Teaching for mastery and helping children with open ended questions

BBC Bitesize - This website has a huge range of games as well as learning that children can play in a very interactive way

TT Rockstars - Here is the website for TT Rockstars in which the children can practise their TimeTables - Please contact Mr Warren if you require a reminder of your login details. 


Writing at Home - Briar Hill Primary School

How Do We Teach Writing?

Read Write Inc & Phonics

EYFS Phonics Video 

Read Write Inc & Phonics

Year 1 Phonics Video 

Contact Details and Medical information

It is vital that your contact details and medical information (including Doctors name/surgery) are kept up to date. If any of your contact details change, please inform us as soon as possible by contacting the school office.


Briar Hill Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Providing a safe environment for all our students, staff and visitors is at the upmost importance to us.

Our Safeguarding Team

1. Miss Cooksley– Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Headteacher

2. Mr Hickman Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Assistant Head

3. Mrs Cross – Deputy Safeguarding Lead /Deputy Headteacher

4. Mrs Marshall– Designated Safeguarding Lead/ Assistant SENCo

5. Miss Cameron-Leslie Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Attendance and Welfare

6. Mr Crozier  - Deputy Safeguarding Lead / Wellbeing Lead

7. Mr Warren - Deputy Safeguarding Lead / Mathematics Lead

Safeguarding Information 

We are committed to safeguarding and meeting the needs of all our pupils. This provides some useful advice and information when working with our pupils.

What are your responsibilities as a visitor to our school?

All those who come into contact with the pupils have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children.

Supply teachers/students will be child protection trained on arrival to site before they begin work. They will be aware of possible signs and indicators of abuse and will bring their concerns immediately to a DSL or DDSL.

School age students and other volunteers will not have received child protection training and MUST NEVER be left alone with a child/children at any point; a CP trained member of staff should always be in sight/hearing of a student/volunteer.

DBS Checks

Briar Hill Primary requires all adults who work in a regulated activity to be checked through the Disclosure and Barring Service.

If you are volunteering we will ask you to complete various forms and provide photo I.D. not only to verify your identity, but to provide contact details.

You are required to inform the head immediately if you become subject to any criminal investigation.

You must also declare if you are living with someone who has committed an offence against children. Debarring by Association. Everyone in our school is asked to make this declaration as they come into contact with under 8’s.

What you should do if you are worried about a child?

Whilst working with a child, if you become worried about:

  • Comments made by a child
  • Marks or bruising on a child
  • Changes in a child’s behaviour or de-meaner
  • Disclosures of any nature that may indicate risk of harm to a child
  • You must report these concerns to one of these people in the listed order

1. Mrs Marshall– Designated Safeguarding Lead/Assistant SENCo

2. Miss Cameron-Leslie Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Attendance and Welfare

3. Mr Hickman Deputy Safeguarding Lead/Assistant Head

4. Miss Cooksley– Deputy Safeguarding Lead/ Headteacher

5. Mrs Cross – Deputy Safeguarding Lead/Deputy Headteacher

6. Mr Crozier  - Deputy Safeguarding Lead/Wellbeing Lead

If a child makes a disclosure to you

  • Listen, allow the child to talk freely.
  • Reassure but DON’T promise anything.
  • DO NOT promise confidentiality.
  • DO NOT interrogate, do not ask them to write it down.
  • Reassure them that it was right to talk.

What if a child expresses concern about a staff member?

If a child is to do this it must be reported to the head, if it is about the head it must be reported to the Chair of the Academy Scrutiny Committee.

Appropriate Behaviour

  • As a visitor or volunteer you may well work closely with pupils. We need to have mutual trust and respect.
  • You should not engage in physical contact with the children if they instigate this it should be reported to class teacher.
  • Do not photograph/record the pupils and do not have you mobile phone or camera out whilst on site. Do not exchange numbers or engage on social media with any pupils.


It is expected of everybody in school not to discuss anything they hear or see on site with anybody else.


Do you have a safeguarding concern?

As a parent or member of the public we all have a duty of care to ensure that we support the safeguarding of all young people and those who are deemed vulnerable. If you have a safeguarding concern during the hours of Monday to Friday between 8 am and 5 pm, if you believe someone’s life is in immediate danger then you should call 999, otherwise you can call MASH( multi agency safeguarding hub). They can be reached on 0300 126 7000, you will be able to discuss and share you concern with them, you can remain anonymous, however, it is helpful if you are able to share who you are, which will remain confidential. This allows them to be able to filter out malicious calls. Out of these hours if you have a concern that someone’s life is in immediate danger then you must call 999, However, if you feel that you are concerned and it doesn’t quite meet the threshold of a 999 call you can contact Northampton Social Care Out of Hours on  01604- 626938.

As  a school, we are always happy to listen to your concerns and point you in the right direction, whilst we will share the information, if it is of a safeguarding concern. Should we call your concern in to MASH, it is classed as second or maybe third hand information and may not receive the priority it would if called in first hand.

If you do have any concerns or wish to discuss anything at any time please contact Mrs Marshall on 01604 768392 or by email Miss Cooksley can also be reached on 01604 768392 or

dret safeguarding appendix sept 21 updated.pdf

dret covid 19 safeguarding policy addendum sept 21 update.pdf

Safer Recruitment

We are committed to safeguarding and protecting our young people at Briar Hill Primary School. 

All posts are subject to a safer recruitment process which includes enhanced criminal records and barring checks, scrutiny of employment history, robust referencing and other vetting checks.

Our safeguarding system is underpinned by policies and procedures which encourage and promote safe working practice across Briar Hill Primary School.

On joining you will be required to undergo continuous professional development to maintain safe working practice and to safeguard our children and young people. 

Local Safeguarding Authority

Northampton Safeguarding Children Partnership c/o Northamptonshire County Council One Angel Square 4 Angel Street Northampton NN1 1ED

Phone number 01604 364036 Email:


CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in an activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at

CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP helps children and young people under the age of 18 who have been forced or manipulated into taking part, or are being pressured to take part, in sexual activity of any kind. This can be both online and offline. The CEOP Safety Centre offers information and advice for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

Online bullying or other online concerns should not be reported to CEOP and children and young people should be directed to speak to an adult they trust, and/or referred to Childline, if they would like to speak to someone about how they are feeling.


The Online Together Project:

DigiSafe Team - Undressed:

Safeguarding & online Resources Safety:

A Learning-To-Read Book - Childnet:

Online Safety - Digital Matters:

Goldilocks: A fairy tale for the Digital Age - vodaphone:

Frontpage - Terms of Service - Didn't Read

Frontpage -- Terms of Service; Didn't Read (

How To Keep Kids Safe Online:

online safety help sheet 1 .pdf

RSE at Briar Hill Primary School

Please watch the following video which discusses, explains and goes into detail about our Relationships and Sex Education policy at Briar Hill Primary School. 

rshe a guide for parents and carers leaflet 2020.pdf

briar hill primary rse policy.pdf

understanding relationships and health education a guide for primary school parent.pdf

Useful Websites

Northamptonshire County Council E-safety support -

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online -
Parents Info –
Safety Net –
Parental Controls –
Childnet –
ThinkUKnow –
Digital Parenting -
Parent Zone -



We are Briar Hill Primary School Parents and Teachers Association (PTA).

Our main objective is to assist in building a community of parents and carers to raise funds for the school and enhance the learning environment of the students through the provision of additional resources.

We plan and hold a couple of events a year to encourage parents, grandparents and other carers to support us in whatever way they can.

The PTA committee, in consultation with the head teacher, agrees how the funds should be spent. 

We are grateful to all those who have supported us in the past and who continue to help us. The Committee meet on a regular basis usually once a term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to organise larger more complicated events.  If you are interested in joining our group please contact the school office who will pass your message on to us.


Snow and Bad Weather Policy

Every winter brings the possibility of snow and ice. Extreme bad weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. Schools are often affected and it can be difficult to maintain an education service. As a fundamental principle every effort must be made to keep schools open, even if only limited numbers of pupils can attend. There is a legal requirement to keep schools open for children to attend for 190 days per year (380 sessions). However, schools may close due to ‘unavoidable’ circumstances. Those circumstances being that it is no longer safe for staff or pupils to be onsite. We recognise that it is important that our school remains open so parents are able to work and pupils can continue to learn. Briar Hill Primary School will make every effort to prepare for severe snow/ice this winter.

The government has stressed the importance of schools remaining open, wherever possible, as closures have a knock on effect on parents/carers who are key workers in other areas of the public sector, e.g. Health Services, thus undermining crucial service delivery. The overriding principle is, therefore, for schools to remain open to the maximum degree possible, as is consistent with health and safety requirements, even if it is not possible to run a full timetable. 

‘The decision whether to close must, however, be for headteachers as they know their schools and surrounding areas. They should use common sense in assessing the risks and keep their schools open.’ – Department of Education

Hot Weather Risk Assessment

risk assessment for hot weather.pdf

How will parents know if Briar Hill Primary School is closed?

The school website will advise parents IF the school is closed. 

The school will send parents a MCAS and Class Dojo message IF the school is closed.

What can you do to help?

  • Please visit West Northamptonshire Council ( for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey safely.
  • Please can you provide a packed lunch from home in case school meals cannot be transported.
  • Don’t forget suitable warm clothing – gloves, hats, scarves, wellies etc. or even a change of clothing.
  • If you are a working parent or feel you may have a problem with a sudden earlier pick up, please could you put a back-up plan in place with another family member or parent and inform the school. This will allow staff to leave earlier for their safety if weather dictates.

Many thanks for your support in helping Briar Hill Primary School remain open during periods of severe snow/ice.

Key Information

Below is the last set of nationally published data. 

Here are our results from 2024.

KS2 Performance Data - 2024

Combined for 2023 - 2024 was 91% expected standard (across Reading, Writing and Mathematics)

Combined for 2023 - 2024 was 17% greater depth standard (across Reading, Writing and Mathematics)

Mathematics for 2023 - 2024 was 91% expected standard with 39% greater depth

Writing for 2023 - 2024 was 94% expected standard with 25% greater depth

Reading for 2023 - 2024 was 96% expected standard with 35% greater depth

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

2024 school results.pdf

KS2 Performance Data - 2023

Combined for 2022 - 2023 was 90% expected standard (across Reading, Writing and Mathematics)

Combined for 2022 - 2023 was 20% greater depth standard (across Reading, Writing and Mathematics)

Mathematics for 2022 - 2023 was 97% expected standard with 43% greater depth

Writing for 2022 - 2023 was 90% expected standard with 37% greater depth

Reading for 2022 - 2023 was 93% expected standard with 27% greater depth

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

2023 school results.pdf

KS2 Performance Data - 2019

KS2 Results Over Time

Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.
 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Parent Documents

Show list Show Grid

Umbrella Organisation, MCAS and links 

Please click here for our Umbrella Organisation - David Ross Education Trust

Please click here for our link

Please click here for our MCAS link

Term Dates

Jargon Buster Glossary

Achievement Describes both attainment i.e. the level achieved and the progress you have made from a starting point.
AfL Assessment for Learning – is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attainment The actual result attained by the pupil.
Attainment Targets A general defined level of ability that a pupil is expected to achieve at each key stage in the National Curriculum.
Blending To draw individual sounds together to pronounce a word, e.g. f-l-a-p, blended together, reads flap.
Core Subjects English, maths and science: all pupils must study these subjects up to Key Stage 4.
CPD Continuing Professional Development
Creative Curriculum There are numerous interpretations of the concept of ‘the creative curriculum’. In some schools it means topics or themes, in others it means asking children what they want to learn. At Thorndown we do both.
DBS Disclosure & Barring Service – refers to the new agency created out of a merger between the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA), its full title is The Disclosure and Barring Service. The checks and information provided will remain the same but will be branded DBS Checks.
DfE Department for Education
Differentiation A wide variety of teaching techniques and lesson adaptations that teachers use to pupils of differing abilities in the same class.
EAL English as an additional language
EBD Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
EHC Plan Educational Health Care Plan – An education, health and care plan is a document that says what support a child or young person who has special needs should have.

Education Welfare Officer


Extended Leadership Team

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage – A framework of care and Education for children from birth to five years of age. This stage typically means Nursery/Preschool and Reception Classes.
FFT Fischer Family Trust
FSM Free School Meals
FTE Full Time Equivalent
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMI Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IEP Individual Education Plan for SEN pupils
Inclusion Removing barriers to learning so all pupils can participate at their own level.
INSET In-Service Education and Training – Training for staff which takes place during the school year.
ISA Independent Safeguarding Authority
ITT Initial Teacher Training
IWB Interactive Whiteboard
Key Stage One Age 5-7 (Years 1 and 2)
Key Stage Two Age 7-11 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
LA Local Authority
LAA Local Area Agreement
LAC Looked After Children
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulties
NAHT National Association of Head Teachers
NASUWT National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers
NGA National Governors’ Association
NLE National Leader of Education
NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headship
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NUT National Union of Teachers
Ofsted Office for Standards in Education
PE Physical Education
Performance Table Published by the DfE to compare school results.
Phonics Phonics refers to the method for teaching speakers of English to read and write their language. It involves connecting the sounds of spoken English with letters or groups of letters (e.g that the sound /k/ can be represented by c, k, ck or ch spellings) and teaching them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of unknown words. In this way, phonics enables people to use individual sounds to construct words. For example, when taught the sounds for the letters t, p, a and s, one can build up the words “tap”, “pat”, “pats”, “taps” and “sat.”
PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment time to which teachers are entitled.
Progression Pupils develop academically and personally from year to year and from one key stage to the next in a way which builds on what has already been achieved.
PRU Pupil Referral Unit
PSHE Personal Social Health and Economic education
PTA Parent Teacher Association. 
QTS Qualified Teacher Status
RE Religious Education
SACREs Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
SATs Standard Attainment Tests/Tasks – National Curriculum Tests and Tasks which take place at the end of Key Stage 1 and at the end of Key Stage 2.
SCR Single Central Record – Schools must hold a single central record of all adults working with pupils. The records hold security and ID checks among other specific information.
SENCO Special Educational Needs Coordinator
SIP School Improvement Plan
SLE Specialist Leader of Education
SLT Senior Leadership Team
SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (development)
TA Teaching Assistant
Transition The movement of pupils from Key Stage to Key Stage or school to school and the procedures associated with it.

Vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation pupils are expected to use in their writing.